This is a sacred mountain for buddhists all over the world with a height of 7359 ft.. It is located in Ratnapura disttrict and Nuwara Eliya district. Access to Sri Pada is possible by six routes. They are Ratnapura, Hatton, Kuruvita, Murray Watthe, Mookuwatte and Malimboda. At the Peak of this mountain there is a foot print shaped mark. Accoding to Mahawamsa, in the third visit of Buddha to Sri Lanka, he visited to the peak of Sri Pada and this mark is the foot print of Buddha left when setting foot on the top of the mountain. Buddhists believe that Sri Pada Is guarded by God Saman. Another name for Sri Pada is Samanthakuta which refers to peak of Saman. There are rest stops. Wayside boutiques serve refreshment and supplies to the pilgrims. Sri Pada is a major Buddhists pilgrimage site, but Muslim, Hindu and christian pilgrims also visit this site. For foreign tourist This hike is an adventure.